Working with the Indicators Dashboard

Flash Mode is a display mode that allows analysts to access features provided by Flash, such as widgets, which are a type of document control. Grid/Graphs cannot be manipulated in Flash Mode, except to sort and pivot objects on them.

You can do the following in Flash Mode:

If a graph uses a graph type that is not supported in Flash, the graph is not displayed.

Performance in Web may fluctuate, depending on several factors, including the number of users working at the same time in the system, your client machine, and issues with network bandwidth.

To switch to Flash Mode:

While viewing a document, from the View menu, select Flash Mode. Or, select the Flash Mode icon from the toolbar.

Note: Adobe Flash Player version 9. must be installed on your machine.

Sorting Grid Reports in Flash Mode

You can quickly sort grids in documents displayed in Flash Mode. The only exception is that you cannot sort grids that contain subtotals.

Note: If Flash Mode is not displayed in the View menu, it may not be enabled for the particular document you are viewing.

To sort grids in documents displayed in Flash Mode:

  1. While viewing a document that contains at least one grid, switch to Flash Mode.
  2. Pass your cursor over the row or column of data to sort. A floating menu with icons is displayed.
  3. Click the appropriate icon to sort the data in ascending/descending order.

Pivoting Grid Report Objects in Flash Mode

You can quickly pivot report objects on grids in documents displayed in Flash Mode. However, you cannot pivot objects on grids that contain subtotals.

If Flash Mode is not displayed in the View menu, it may not be enabled in the project or for the particular document you are viewing.

To pivot objects on a grid in documents in Flash Mode:

  1. While viewing a document that contains at least one grid report, switch to Flash Mode.
  2. Pass your cursor over the object to pivot. A floating menu with icons is displayed.
  3. Click the appropriate icon to move the object.

Note: All attributes must be in either the rows or the columns. The same is true for metrics.

Switching Between Grid and Graph View in Flash Mode

You can quickly switch between a grid and graph view of a report in Flash Mode. For example, if you have a grid report in Flash Mode that is enabled for Quick Switch, you can pass your cursor over it and click the Quick Switch icon to switch to graph view. The switch is performed almost instantaneously because both the grid and graph version of the report are loaded on your machine as the document loads.



Indicators Dashboard







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